Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Chicks update...batch one due 3rd April 2012

As you may have read, we decided to hatch some chicks to increase our brood, the first batch were due on 3rd April, so when the day arrived, there was no sign of anything, I had already experienced no eggs hatching when we used our broody hen two summers ago, so I was beginning to think it may be another failure...
When I came down on the morning of the 4th I put some clothes in the tumbledryer and heard cheeping!! I had to go and get the children as I thought I had imagined it...
From then onwards we started to progress, a few began having little pips out of them, but no actual chicks...
Asa and I had been watching a DVD and just before we went to bed at 1am on 5th April I noticed that one of the eggs had zipped all the way round, at that moment Kaide walked into the room bleary eyed and watched in amazement as our first chick made an appearance...

The children named this one Potter, as they are all obsessed with Harry Potter!

When I woke up the next morning I was greeted by two chicks, second one was named Diggory!

Throughout Thursday we were joined by Hermione, Weasley and Dobby.
We sadly had one that didn't make it, so I was on alert if any other chicks were struggling and had to make the decision whether to intervene.
Just before I went to bed there was one egg cheeping loudly but didn't seem to be able to get out, so I made the decision to help, after watching numerous You tube videos over the past three weeks, I was armed with tweezers and warm paper towels. The little chick we named Scrat, because it was so little and kept wobbling about, it reminded me of the Ice Age films!
Finally at 1am our last chick of that hatch arrived named Malfoy.

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