Sunday 6 January 2013

Back To Reality Tomorrow YUCK

This Christmas we have been very lucky, Asa managed to finish work the day before the children broke up from school and has been at home ever since.

We have had some lovely family time, in fact we have only seen family members on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, 27th Dec and 1st January, other than that it has just been the eight of us.

The children have spent lots of time with both of us, we have all had lovely long lie ins on quite a few days, trips out and lazy afternoons, one of the most relaxing Christmas holidays ever.

Tomorrow, the first part of reality shall return. Asa is back into work in the morning. The children have an extra PD day, so it will not be such a shock to their systems (if I can get them to bed at a decent hour tomorrow night!!)

I LOVE having the children at home for the holidays and miss them immensely when they are not here.

However, I am sure Tyrus will keep me very busy and Eowyn is here every Wednesday and Friday, so it will not be too quiet!

I just need to start thinking about the endless list of things I need to do, WITHOUT six children and my husband here!!

Roll on February half term....

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